Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Reflective Learners

Today in Visual communication: Culture & creativity there was a discussion on reflective learners and what it means to be a reflective learner. The task was to develop a awareness of what is reflective learning and to create a brain storm. Reflective learning is the process of self exploring and investigating. Reflective learning can occur when a task has arisen which can trigger by a past experience or memory’s which can create a meaning to the individual which can develop a change in their conceptual perspective. Boyd and Fales 1983 Experimental learning theory is a perspective on learning that is combined with experience, perception, behaviour and cognition. Kolb (1984) suggests that there are three 3 models of experimental learning which are founded by John Dewey, Kurt Lewin and Jean Piaget. Kurt Lewin theory suggested that an individual must have a goal but has to be able to experience something to be able to reflect or feedback. John Dewey theory suggests that there are three intellectual operations which is involved 1) Observing the surroundings 2) Knowledge of what has happened in a similar situation in the past which can help on advice 3) Judgment which gathers the information of what has been observed or what has been recalled. John Dewey 1938 also suggested that experience, observation and action give a individual the impulse to learn and reflect. Jean Piaget model of learning and cognitive development suggests that the learning process development take place as an individual interacts which environment.

Evelyn, M, Boyd., Ann, W, Fales., 1983. Journal of Humanistic Psychology:Reflective Learning

Key to Learning from Experience,[e-journal] 23(2).Available through: Sage Jounals < http://jhp.sagepub.com/content/23/2/99.abstract> [Accessed 07 November 2013]

Kolb, D.A.,1984. Experiential learning experience as the source of learning and development. : Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Available at: http://academic.regis.edu/ed205/Kolb.pdf [ Accessed 07 November 2013]

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